Visual Computing in the Future: Computer Graphics as a Remote Service

The focus of Visual Computinghas changedquite dramaticallyover the past few decades. Previouslyour concernwaswith very low level algorithmsbut we have progressedbeyondmuchof this to tacklenew issues.Many of theproblemspresentedin VisualComputinghave dealtwith thegeneralproblemof not beingableto displaya datasetfastenough,or evenat all. The first solutionsto this have beenlabeledwith thenow ubiquitousterm“big iron.” Supercomputers providedtheonly solutionfor a long time but they wereexpensi ve. We have now reachedthepoint wherecommodity graphicshardwareimprovementrival whatmany supercomputers weredesignedto do. As a result,thetrendis moving towardcommoditybasedclustersasa solutionto big dataconstraints,providing a cost-efective alternati ve that is challengingthe market for supercomputers. Anotherresultof thegrowing sizeof datasetsis thatwe needto developnew displaysto view them;theresolutionof a typical desktopdisplayis not adequatefor viewing theextremedetailwecannow incorporateinto models.Because of this, display walls using tiled projectorsand specializedhigh-resolutiondisplays haveemerged.Of course,aswecontinueto find solutionsto problemslike these,new onesarisethatmustbeaddressed. Oneof the main issueswe seein Visual Computingtoday is the tight coupling of the graphicshardwareand its display. It is very difficult to view the resultsof a graphicallyintenseapplicationfrom a different location. Many applicationsrequire therenderingpower of a clusteror supercomputer , but oneisn’t alwaysavailable. To view an application,a specializedvisualizationcentermay be needed.The problem is that the displaymustbe locatedin closevicinity to the clusteror supercomputer controlling it. Sincemostpeoplewon’t have eitherof thesein their office their work needsto bedoneelsewhere.Thiscanpresentaconsiderableinconvenience,especially if the systemisn’t locatedin the samebuilding. Imaginea scenariowhereyou only wantto view a minutepartof a dataset, maybefor referencewhenwriting a paper , but you don’t needto usea displaywall. It wouldbeverybeneficialto beableto do soat

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