Smart Voting Machine Based on Finger Prints and Face Recognition

Bogus (fake) voting is still major drawbacks in the Election. In AADHAR CARD the Government has all the data Base for us including finger print and Retina. Biometric Finger print devices and Web Camera are used in the Electronics Voting Machine for voter verification. We have designed a Smart Voting Machine where there is no need for the user to carry his ID which contains his required details. The person at the polling booth needs only to place his Finger in finger print scanner and capture the face identity in web camera at the counter of the polling booth, thus allowing the acquisition of an on-spot Fingerprint and Face from the voter which serves as an identification. This data is passed on to the controlling unit for the verification. The controller fetches the data from the reader and compares this data with the already existing data stored during the registration of the voters. If the data matches with the pre-stored information of the registered fingerprint and Face, the person is allowed to cast his vote. If not, a warning message is displayed on LCD and warns through the voice by this way, the person is barred from polling his vote. The vote casting mechanism is carried out manually using the keyboard. LCD is used to display the related messages, warnings and ensuing results. Keyword: Voter ID; Finger Print Module; LCD; Web camera; Microcontroller. INTRODUCTION Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analysing biological data. Biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyse human body characteristics, such as DNA, fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, face recognition and hand measurements, for authentication purposes. The field of biometrics was formed and has since expanded on to many types of physical identification. Among the several human fingerprints and face recognition remains a very common identifier and the biometric method of choice among law enforcement. These concepts of human identification have lead to the development of fingerprint scanners web camera that serves to quickly identify individuals and assign access privileges. The basic point of these devices is Election Commission. According to Election Commission statistics, there were 1,378,352 EVMs in use in July 2009. Of these, 448,000 were thirdgeneration machines manufactured from 2006 to 2009, with 253,400 from BEL and 194,600 from ECIL. The remaining 930,352 were the second-generation models manufactured from 2000 to 2005, with 440,146 from BEL and 490,206 from ECIL. (The first generation machines are deemed too risky to use in national elections because their 15-year service life has expired, though they are apparently still used in certain state and local contests.) In the 2009 parliamentary election, there 9were 417,156,494 votes cast, for an average of 302 votes per machine. BLOCK DIAGRAM The system aims at developing a fingerprint based advanced Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) which helps in free and fair way of conducting elections which are basis for democratic country like India. This project consists of following units a Voting system, fingerprint module, web camera and ARM controller Unit. The voter first places his/her finger on the fingerprint module which checks for the authentication of the user. If the voter is the authenticated one then his/her show her face towards the web camera it will capture the picture of his/her face which check for the authentication in stored memory. If the voter is the authenticated one, he will now poll his vote in the voting system by simply pressing button against his favourite leader through a button. The control unit consists of an ARM controller, push button for different operations of EVM. The votes casted for particular candidate in that particular section of constituency is shown through an LCD display. To perform this intelligent task, ARM controller is loaded with an intelligent program written in embedded „C‟ language ATMEGA 162: ATMEGA 162 is Brain of this project. It has the features like AVR® 8-bit Microcontroller Fully Static Operation Up to 16 MIPS Throughput at 16 MHz, On-chip 2-cycle Multiplier, Non-volatile Program and Data Memories, 16K Bytes of In-System Self-programmable Flash Endurance:10,000 Write/Erase Cycles, Extensive On-chip Debug Support, Programming of Flash, EEPROM, Fuses, and Lock Bits through the JTAG. Dual Programmable Serial USARTs, This microcontroller suitable for industrial control and medical Systems.though your whole fingerprint is recorded, the computer takes only parts of the print to compare with other records. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Published by, NCIECC 2017 Conference Proceedings Volume 5, Issue 09 Special Issue 2017