Losses in the Amount of Produced and Sold Timber
Abstract Losses in the amount of timber, especially the accidental ones, are a long-term issue for both the forestry public and forest owners. The objective determination of accidental losses – the natural decreases in amount, has always been an important factor for determining the liability of employees for any damage caused to the forest owner or for the loss in the amount of timber. The paper focuses on the issue of losses in the amount of produced and sold timber and the issue of differences in the amount of sold timber arising due to different methods of ascertaining the amount of timber for accounting and tax purposes. The aim of the paper is to define the specifics of losses in the untreated timber and the specifics of differences occurring during the transfer of the timber's ownership in business relations. Furthermore, it was also analyzed the current situation in timber accounting and tax records and were proposed possibilities of solving this problem. A workable solution seems to be the discretion in recording the amounts of losses by employing the institute of accidental losses, i.e. losses up to the amount of an accidental decrease standard.