Multimodal optical coherence/photoacoustic tomography of skin

A novel non-invasive in vivo multimodal optical coherence tomography (OCT)/photoacoustic tomography (PAT) imaging system capable of obtaining structural and functional information simultaneously has been demonstrated in skin. A 1060 nm OCT system acquiring 47k depth-scans/s with ~ 7 μm axial and ~ 20 μm transverse resolutions has been incorporated into a backward-mode PA system based on a planar, optically-transparent Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) sensor. In this study, the excitation wavelength was set to 670 nm and a focused laser beam at 1550 nm was used as the sensor interrogation beam. OCT and PAT images were obtained sequentially and the coregistered images were combined to form the final 3D image. OCT/PAT images obtained in vivo from the skin of a hairless mouse and human palmar skin demonstrated the ability of this multimodal imaging system to provide complementary structural and functional information from deeper depths with increased contrast.