거점공간조직에 따른 중심지 개발 패턴에 관한 연구

This study IS to analyze 'anchor system' strategies in CBD. We selected five cases of new town development with 'anchor's and urban axises in 19808, two Korean new towns(Bundang and Ilsan) and three Japanese towns(Tokyo Waterfront City, Minatomirai21 and Makuhari New City) Though all the cases utilized anchors and urban axises In a CBD, they have shown different patterns of anchor distribution In new towns such as Bundang, Ilsan and Tokyo Waterfront City, those anchors are decentralized, while In the other cases, Minatomirai21 and Makuhari New City, anchors are centralized In the CBD Those anchors such as convention center, exhibition hall and business sectors are mostly detenmned by public corporations and developed as development-leading facilities In Korean cases, those facilities sometimes failed to follow original Intention of master plan or located apart from urban axises On the other hand, Japanese anchors, centered on urban axises, show more systematic patterns of CBD development than those In Korea.