Proliferative Activity of Rat Hepatocytes Transplanted into the Spleen

T o study the responsiveness o f intrasplenically trans­ planted hepatocytes to growth stimulus, w e have inves­ t igated the e f fec t s o f 7 0 % h e p a t e c t o m y o n D N A synthesis by adult rat hepatocytes in the spleens o f G u n n rats and have reported preliminary results (1) . In the present s tudy, we examined and compared the effects o f this growth st imulus o n adult hepatocytes and fetal liver 2 or 4 m o after transplantation. The pro­ liferative activity o f transplanted hepatocytes was eval­ uated using proliferating cell nuclear antigen ( P C N A ) label ing index or bromodeoxyur id ine (BrdU) labeling index.