An infinite sequence ∆ = ∆n(x0,. .. , xn−1, y, ¯ u) : n < ω of possibly infinite sets of formulas in n + 1 variables x0,. .. , xn−1, y and a possibly infinite system of parameters ¯ u is a parameterized graded deduction-detachment (PGDD) system for a de-ductive system S over a S-theory T if, for every n < ω and for all ϕ0,. ϑ) for every possible system of formulas ¯ ϑ. A S-theory is Leibniz if it is included in every S-theory with the same Leibniz congruence. A PGDD system ∆ is Leibniz generating if the union of the ∆n(ϕ0,. .. , ϕn−1, ψ, ¯ ϑ) as ¯ ϑ ranges over all systems of formulas generates a Leibniz theory. A Gentzen system G is fully adequate for a deductive system S if (roughly speaking) every reduced generalized matrix model of G is of the form A, Fi S A, where Fi S A is the set of all S-filters on A. Theorem. Let S be a protoalgebraic deductive system over a countable language type. If S has a Leibniz-generating PGDD system over all Leibniz theories, then S has a fully adequate Gentzen system. Theorem. Let S be a protoalgebraic deductive system. If S has a fully adequate Gentzen system, then S has a Leibniz-generating PGDD system over every Leibniz theory. Corollary. If S is a weakly algebraizable deductive system over a countable language type, then S has a fully adequate Gentzen system iff it has the multiterm deduction-detachment theorem. Corollary. If S is a finitely equivalential deductive system over a countable language type, then S has a fully adequate Gentzen system iff there is a finite Leibniz-generating GDD system for S over all Leibniz S-filters.
J. M. Font.
On the Leibniz congruences
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Algebraic Semantics for Universal Horn Logic Without Equality
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On the Algebraization of Some Gentzen Systems
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Josep Maria Font,et al.
Algebraic logic for classical conjunction and disjunction
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T. Prucnal,et al.
An algebraic characterization of the notion of structural completeness
Janusz Czelakowski,et al.
Weakly Algebraizable Logics
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Josep Maria Font,et al.
Leibniz filters and the strong version of a protoalgebraic logic
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Janusz Czelakowski.
Algebraic aspects of deduction theorems
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A deduction theorem schema for deductive systems of propositional logics
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Equivalential and algebraizable logics
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Protoalgebraic logics
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