Comprehensive Functional Verification: The Complete Industry Cycle

One of the biggest challenges in chip and system design is determining whether the hardware works correctly. That is the job of functional verification engineers and they are the audience for this comprehensive text from three top industry professionals. As designs increase in complexity, so has the value of verification engineers within the hardware design team. In fact, the need for skilled verification engineers has grown dramatically--functional verification now consumes between 40 and 70% of a project's labor, and about half its cost. Currently there are very few books on verification for engineers, and none that cover the subject as comprehensively as this text. A key strength of this book is that it describes the entire verification cycle and details each stage. The organization of the book follows the cycle, demonstrating how functional verification engages all aspects of the overall design effort and how individual cycle stages relate to the larger design process. Throughout the text, the authors leverage their 35 plus years experience in functional verification, providing examples and case studies, and focusing on the skills, methods, and tools needed to complete each verification task. Additionally, the major vendors (Mentor Graphics, Cadence Design Systems, Verisity, and Synopsys) have implemented key examples from the text and made these available on line, so that the reader can test out the methods described in the text. * Comprehensive overview of the complete verification cycle * Combines industry experience with a strong emphasis on functional verification fundamentals * Includes real-world case studies and downloadable software implementations of key examples from the major vendors (Mentor Graphics, Cadence Design Systems, Verisity, and Synopsys) Table of Contents Part I: Introduction to Verification Chapter 1: Verification in the Chip Design Process Chapter 2: Verification Flow Chapter 3: Fundamentals of Simulation Based Verification Chapter 4: The Verification Plan Part II: Simulation-Based Verification Chapter 5: HDLs and Simulation Engines Chapter 6: Creating Environments Chapter 7: Strategies for Simulation-based Stimulus Generation Chapter 8: Strategies for Results Checking in Chapter 9: Pervasive Function Verification Chapter 10: Re-Use Strategies and System Simulation Part III: Formal Verification Chapter 11 Introduction to Formal Verification Chapter 12 Using Formal Verification Part IV: Comprehensive Verification Chapter 13: Completing the Verification Cycle Chapter 14: Advanced Verification Techniques Part V: Case Studies Chapter 15: Case Studies Glossary References

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