An approach for big data security based on Hadoop distributed file system

Cloud computing appeared for huge data because of its ability to provide users with on-demand, reliable, flexible, and low-cost services. With the increasing use of cloud applications, data security protection has become an important issue for the cloud. In this work, the proposed approach was used to improve the performance of encryption /Decryption file by using AES and OTP algorithms integrated on Hadoop. Where files are encrypted within the HDFS and decrypted within the Map Task. Encryption /Decryption in previous works used AES algorithm, the size of the encrypted file increased by 50% from the original file size. The proposed approach improved this ratio as the size of the encrypted file increased by 20% from the original file size. Also, we have compared this approach with the previously implemented method, we implement this new approach to secure HDFS, and some experimental studies were conducted to verify its effectiveness.

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