Deep ice-core drilling at Dome Fuji and glaciological studies in east Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica

The Dome Fi吋iProject is a comprehensive study of present and past glacio10gical/climatological features of the Antarctic ice sheet in east Dronning Maud Land. Field observations on a 1000 km traverse route from the coast to Dome Fi吋ishow changes in various glaciologica1 parameters with surface e1evation and distance from the coast. Deep ice圃 coredrilling at Dome Fuji was started in August 1995 and reached a depth of 2503.52 m in D巴cember1996. In situ co陀 ana1ysesrevea1ed 25 visib1e tephra layers and a number of distinct cloudy bands in the ice. 1. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT ]apanese Antarctic Research ExpeditionsリAREs)have collected glacio1ogical, climato1ogica1 and geoch巴mica1 data on the ice sheet in east Dronning Maud Land since 1968. As part of the Internationa1 Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and the Internationa1 Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition, the Dome Fuji Pr寸ect(DFP) was designed as a comprehensive study of past and present glaciological/ climatologica1 features of the Antarctic ice sheet in east Dronning Maud Land. The principal parts of the project are the glaciologica1 traverse from the ice-sheet margin to the top of Dome Fi司i and the deep ice-cori時 atDome Fi可istation. The pr弓ect was carried out between 1991 and 1996.