Feasibility of the Combination of CO2 Geological storage and Saline Water Development in Sedimentary Basins of China

Abstract Utilization plays a key role in the deployment of CCS in China. CO 2 geological storage and utilization (CGSU) shows most charming potential for carbon mitigation in China according to the technology roadmap study of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) in China. After a general review and a thorough investigation, the partition of China mainland into three CCUS zones is figured out mainly according to the different types of aquifer systems. Focusing on coal chemical enterprises in the western China (Zone I), a novel CGSU method is proposed in this paper. By CO 2 enhanced recovery of deep saline water, a tripartite win system is charming promotion of China western development. The cross point of the developed system is to attract investment on coal chemical industry to use local rich coal resources, to meet great water demand of coal chemical industry in the water shortage of China western region, and to maximum optimize of pressure buildup of CO 2 geological storage.