Real-Time Privacy-Preserving Data Release for Smart Meters

Smart Meters (SMs) are able to share the power consumption of users with utility providers almost in real-time. These fine-grained signals carry sensitive information about users, which has raised serious concerns from the privacy viewpoint. In this paper, we focus on real-time privacy threats, i.e., potential attackers that try to infer sensitive information from SMs data in an online fashion. We adopt an information-theoretic privacy measure and show that it effectively limits the performance of any attacker. Then, we propose a general formulation to design a privatization mechanism that can provide a target level of privacy by adding a minimal amount of distortion to the SMs measurements. On the other hand, to cope with different applications, a flexible distortion measure is considered. This formulation leads to a general loss function, which is optimized using a deep learning adversarial framework, where two neural networks –referred to as the releaser and the adversary– are trained with opposite goals. An exhaustive empirical study is then performed to validate the performance of the proposed approach and compare it with state-of-the-art methods for the occupancy detection privacy problem. Finally, we also investigate the impact of data mismatch between the releaser and the attacker.

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