New strong dynamics at the energy scale ≈ 1 TeV is an attractive and elegant theoretical ansatz for the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking. We review here, the theoretical models for strong dynamics, particularly, technicolor theories and their low energy signatures. We emphasize that the fantastic beam energy resolution (σE/E ∼ 10) expected at the first muon collider ( √ s = 100–500 GeV) allows the possibility of resolving some extraordinarily narrow technihadron resonances and, Higgs-like techniscalars produced in the s-channel. Investigating indirect probes for strong dynamics such as search for muon compositeness, we find that the muon colliders provide unparallel reaches. A big muon collider ( √ s =3–4 TeV) would be a remarkable facility to study heavy technicolor particles such as the topcolor Z, to probe the dynamics underlying fermion masses and mixings and to fully explore the strongly interacting electroweak sector.