Anytime Neural Networks via Joint Optimization of Auxiliary Losses

We address the problem of anytime prediction in neural networks. An anytime predictor automatically adjusts to and utilizes available test-time budget: it produces a crude initial result quickly and continuously refines the result afterwards. Traditional feed-forward networks achieve state-of-the-art performance on many machine learning tasks, but cannot produce anytime predictions during their typically expensive computation. In this work, we propose to add auxiliary predictions in a residual network to generate anytime predictions, and optimize these predictions simultaneously. We solve this multi-objective optimization by minimizing a carefully constructed weighted sum of losses. We also oscillate weightings of the losses in each iteration to avoid spurious solutions that are optimal for the sum but not for each individual loss. The proposed approach produces competitive results if computation is interrupted early, and the same level of performance as the original network once computation is finished. Observing that the relative performance gap between the optimal and our proposed anytime network shrinks as the network is near completion, we propose a method to combine anytime networks to achieve more accurate anytime predictions with a constant fraction of additional cost. We evaluate the proposed methods on real-world visual recognition data-sets to demonstrate their anytime performance.

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