여름철 냉방/제습시스템 중 태양열 온수기를 적용할 수 있는 액체흡수제의 재생성능에 관한 연구

With the possibility of hot water being able to be used as a heating source in a liquid desiccant system, an experimental apparatus for regeneration of the liquid desiccant was set up and series of experiments were conducted in a climate-controlled chamber. This study was performed to ascertain the influences of experimental factors on regenerating performance and to suggest the optimal combination of factors affecting regeneration rate. Furthermore, in order to figure out the contribution ratio of the factors on regenerating performance, a multi-way factorial design among the design of experiments was adopted. According to experimental results, the most influential factor on regenerating performance was temperature of the liquid desiccant and its contribution ratio was about 79.4%. In addition, the optimal operating combination was as follows; 60℃ of solution temperature, 14l/min of solution flow rate, and 190m3/h of air volume.