Training industry needs & Technology Industry needs
This deliverable joins D1.1 (User Industry Needs) and D1.2 (Technology Industry Needs and
Affordances) and reports on the outcomes of Tasks T1.1 (Training Industry Assessment) and T1.2
(Technology Industry Assessment).
We merged the deliverables for the following reasons:
For readability ease we have merged the two deliverables D1.1 and D1.2 into one.
Saving time and effort, since both issues T1.1 / T1.2 are not independent, we have decided to
merge the body of study / analysis (joint questionnaire!) into one, clearly separating out goals
(introduction) and recommendations (conclusion) for each of the two tasks.
Despite being merged, this deliverable clearly delivers the expected outcomes of each of the
constituents as part of the conclusion:
Gather information about current practices in the training industry about the current and
potential use of AR/WT in educational processes in order to assess training industry needs
(D1.1) and to extract input for the WEKIT Framework and Training Methodology (T1.1).
Gather information about current practices in the technology industry about conditions,
success factors and acceptance conditions for the current and potential future use of AR/WT
in educational processes and other industry relevant use cases in order to assess technology
industry needs (D1.2) and to extract requirements for WEKIT scenarios and technical
prototype (T1.2).
Our results confirm a high interest in augmented reality (AR) and wearable technologies (WT) for
educational purposes, while they also reveal, that the experience with these technologies in practical
use is still sparse. To support the development of educational AR/WT applications with a focus on
usefulness, usability, and feasibility, we collected a number of insights taking three perspectives:
industry needs, user needs, and technology needs.
These insights feed into the parallel deliverables D1.3 (WEKIT Framework and Training
Methodology) and D1.4 (Requirements for scenarios and prototypes) and also are used as starting
point for the technical and pedagogical workpackages WP2 (Wearables-Enhanced Learning
Technology Platform), WP3 (Wearable Experience Capturing and Analytics), WP4 (Augmented
Reality Learning and Experience Re-enactment), WP5 (Workplace Integration and Human Aspects).
Furthermore, the industrial learning scenarios (WP6) will utilise this deliverable.