An improved adaptively enhanced temporal error concealment algorithm

The processing order of error blocks has an important effect on the improvement of concealed image quality,an improved adaptively enhanced temporal error concealment algorithm is thus proposed.The algorithm continuously estimates the order value of error macroblock(MB) using the received or concealed adjacent information,and only the error MB with the largest order value is restored at each time.When conceals an error MB,firstly we determine its partition mode and the concealed order of its sub-macroblock(SMB),then chooses the best motion vector(MV) for the error MB or SMB from the candidate MVs,by adaptively use the single-sided or double-sided overlapping boundary matching algorithm based on texture(TBSS-OBMA or TBDS-OBMA).The experiment results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the quality subjectively or objectively aspect in the same error environment,and the improvement of 1.16dB in PSNR can be achieved comparing to JM12.2.