The inverted pendulum is a classical control problem, which involves developing a system to balance a pendulum. For visualization purposes, this is similar to trying to balance a broomstick on a finger. There are three main subsystems that compose this design including the mechanical system, the feedback network which includes sensors and a method to read them, and a controller and its interface to the mechanical system. The system model, state space representation and controller design is described, the model is converted into state space form, and is used to design a controller using the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) cost equation. The final system results in a cart that could balance a pendulum for a limited amount of time. This was due to many imperfections in the mechanical system and the inability to model the dynamics of these imperfections along with the calculation limitations of the Atmel Mega32.
G. VegterApril,et al.
The Inverted Pendulum: a Singularity Theory Approach
Bernd Krauskopf,et al.
Complex balancing motions of an inverted pendulum subject to delayed feedback control
A L Hof,et al.
The condition for dynamic stability.
Journal of biomechanics.
A. M. Formal'skii,et al.
An inverted pendulum on a fixed and a moving base
Bo Liu,et al.
Stabilization of linear undamped systems via position and delayed position feedbacks
Alexander P. Seyranian,et al.
The stability of an inverted pendulum with a vibrating suspension point