The design and development of a multicentric protocol to investigate the impact of adjunctive doxycycline on the management of peripheral lymphoedema caused by lymphatic filariasis and podoconiosis
A. Hoerauf | T. Nutman | G. Weil | U. Mwingira | S. Wanji | C. Mackenzie | E. Ottesen | J. Horton | A. Debrah | I. Kroidl | J. Shott | Y. Coulibaly | U. Klarmann-Schulz | Linda Batsa Debrah | M. Weerasooriya | Philip J. Budge | Andrew C Majewski | A. Ngenya | Mariana Stephens | Suma Krishnasastry | Channa Yahathugoda | Drew Deathe | Sarah Sullivan | L. B. Debrah