사회적 가치와 관련된 명사의 사용 양상과 네트워크 분석
This paper aims to analyze the network and use of Korean nouns related to social values while making use of co-occurring words of statistical significance. Based on network analysis, we can observe changes of the use of value nouns in recent years. We assume the complex system theory which is reflected in linguistic usage. The corpus used in this paper is Trends 21 Corpus, a large-scale Korean newspaper corpus compiled at Korea University. Cases of the usage change of words include the following. The use of ‘myeongpurn’(masterpiece) has been changed. It had not been long before that this word was used to mean “the higher” or “the highest”. The use of ‘jungsancheung’(the middle class) had been related to the use of ‘buyucheung’(the highest class) in the early 2000s. Most recently we can find that the use of ‘joongsancheung’ is more related to the use of ‘bingoncheung’(the poor class).