Force Requirements and Soil Disruption of Straight and Bentleg Subsoilers for Conservation Tillage Systems
In conservation tillage systems, belowground soil disruption should be maximized while aboveground disruption
should be minimized. To assist in choosing the best shank for strip-tillage systems, comparisons among several shanks
commonly used to provide in-row subsoiling prior to planting in conservation systems were made. A three-dimensional
dynamometer measured draft, vertical, and side forces for the experiments, which were conducted in the USDA-ARS National
Soil Dynamics Laboratory soil bins in Auburn, Alabama. A portable tillage profiler measured both above- and belowground
soil disruption. Two parameters, spoil resistance index and trench specific resistance, were developed from the data to assess
draft force, aboveground soil disruption and belowground soil disruption. Based on these selection criteria, the two best
shanks for conservation tillage systems were the Bigham Brothers Paratill shank and the Worksaver Terramax shank, both
of which were bentleg shanks.