청소년의 헤어제품 구매 행동에 관한 연구

This study investigates the relationship between the purchasing behavior for hair-care products and the attitude toward hair-care products by adolescents. A total of 412 middle and high school students located in Seoul and Gyunggi-do province participated in this research. SPSS 12.0 for Windows Program was utilized for statistical analysis. As a result, the hair concerns and the satisfaction of adolescents as well as their attitudes towards hair-care products were significantly affected by gender, school level, and educational experiences. Female high school students with some degree of educational experiences had a more rational and brand-oriented attitude. Students having a higher rational and brand-oriented attitude bought hair-care products in regards to the quality of the product and environmental impact. On the other hand, those having a conspicuous and fashion pursuit attitude showed an image and fashion concern purchasing behavior. Adolescents usually purchased styling and dyeing products at a cosmetic specialty store and hair-care cleaning products from a discount store. They obtained the information about hair-care products from relatives, personal experiences, and TV advertisements.