아동의 높임 표현 발달에 관한 종적 연구

This study analyses vertically about honorific expression sides on 4 children who age group 31 months to 43 months. It has been specifying into grammar form and vocabulary form with listener-honorific, subject-honorific and object-honorific. Then we investigate it’s appearing time and situation which honorific context has been used. We have found ‘Hasipsio-che’ and ‘Haera-che’, which is formal style of listener-honorific expression and also ‘Haeyo-che" and "Hae-che", which is in-formal style from all participant children. In Honorific language ‘Jeo’ of listener-honorific was founded. Children use honorific expression with two intentions; first one is for respecting the others in higher position and second one is for achieving his/her pragmatic purposes against oppenent. In subject-honorific expression, prefinal-ending ‘-Si-‘ was appeared in common usage of greeting and ‘Ggeseo’ was not used frequently. In vocabulary forms, ‘Geoisida’, ‘Desida’, ‘Jumusida’, and ‘Dolagasida’ were also founded however they are not been used much. The object-honorific expression founded less than listener-honorific and subject-honorific and we assume that it’s development is also slower than others. In grammar forms of the object-honorific, proposition, ‘Gge’ and vocabulary form, ‘Derida’ was founded.