Faster automatic ASSR detection using sequential tests

Abstract Objective: Objective Response Detection (ORD) can be used for auditory steady-state response (ASSR) detection. In conventional ORD methods, the statistical tests are applied at the end of data collection (‘single-shot tests’). In sequential ORD methods, statistical tests are applied repeatedly, while data is being collected. However, repeated testing can increase False Positive (FP) rates. One solution is to infer that response is present only after the test remains significant for a predefined number of consecutive detections (NCD). Thus, this paper describes a new method for finding the required NCD that control the FP rate for ASSR detection. Design: NCD values are estimated using Monte Carlo simulations. Study sample: ASSR signals were recorded from 8 normal-hearing subjects. Results: The exam time was reduced by up to 38.9% compared to the single-shot test with loss of approximately 5% in detection rate. Alternatively, lower gains in time were achieved for a smaller (non-significant) loss in detection rate. The FP rates at the end of the test were kept at the nominal level expected (1%). Conclusion: The sequential test strategy with NCD as the stopping criterion can improve the speed of ASSR detection and prevent higher than expected FP rates.

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