Integrated land-change science and tropical deforestation in the southern Yucatán : final frontiers
1. Introduction:Three Frontiers of the Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region and SYPR Project I:HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT RELATIONSHIPS, 1000 BC - AD 1900 2. The Long View: Human-Environment Relationships 1000 BC - AD 1900 3. Forest Extraction to Theme Parks: The Modern History of Land Change II:LAND-COVER CHARACTERISTICS AND CHANGE 4. Forest Types and their Implications 5. Recovery of Nutrient Cycling and Ecosystem Properties following Swidden Cultivation: Regional and Stand-Level Constraints 6. Land Cover and Land Use: Classification and Change Analysis III: AGENTS AND INSTITUTIONS OF LAND CHANGE: HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY AND CULTIVATION 7. Institutions, Organizations, and Policy Affecting Land Change: Complexity Within and Beyond the Ejido 8. The Ejido Household: The Current Agent of Change 9. Subsistence Sustained: Swidden or Milpa Cultivation 10. Jalapeno Pepper Cultivation: Emergent Commercial Land Use 11. The Semi-Market and Semi-Subsistence Household: The Evidence and Test of Smallholder Behavior IV: SPATIAL MODELING OF LAND CHANGE: EMPIRICAL APPROACHES IN DATA-SPARSE ENVIRONMENTS 12. Spatially Explicit, Statistical Land-Change Models in Data-Sparse Conditions 13. The SYPR Integrative Assessment Model: Complexity in Development RETROSPECTIVE: THE THREE FRONTIERS REVISITED GLOSSARY AND ACRONYMS INDEX