Modeling of Mixed-Pixel Clumping Index From Remote Sensing Data and Its Evaluation

The clumping index (CI) is a canopy structure parameter that describes the dispersion or grouping of leaves. Previously, it has been estimated based on the normalized difference between hotspot and darkspot (NDHD), which is derived from multi-angle remote sensing data. However, currently it is impossible to derive CI from NDHD for a large area at a spatial resolution finer than 275 m since such fine multi-angle data are unavailable. In this study, an algorithm of the mixed-pixel clumping index (MPCI) was implemented, and an MPCI map of China's landmass at 1 km resolution was derived from the HJ-1A/1B data at 30 m resolution. The MPCI map was compared with the previous NDHD CI derived from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS). The correlation of these two datasets was greater than 0.9, and the mean bias was approximately 0.1. Indirectly, the MPCI map was applied to an effective leaf area index (LAI) product to derive true LAI. Using the MODIS LAI product as a reference, we found that the coefficient of determination was improved from 0.72 to 0.80, and the root mean squared error was reduced from 0.53 to 0.35 m2/m2 after the effective LAI is corrected by this MPCI map, suggesting that this MPCI map is comparable to the NDHD CI. Although our algorithm is currently tested at 1 km resolution, potentially, it can be applied to higher spatial resolution than 275 m for mapping LAI and carbon cycle modeling before these multi-angle data at higher resolution are available.

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