The senior capstone course for Computer Information Systems and Computer Science majors at our university requires students to form teams, identify projects for customers external to the university, and deliver working products to their customers at the end of the course. Students, who are primarily working adults, often raise concerns about the distribution of work within their teams and between projects; and about the difficulty of finding meeting times within their busy schedules. Faculty raise concerns about whether a capstone project can be done during a 6-week summer semester. The author examined 22 logbooks kept by 6 teams of capstone students during a 15-week semester and 12 logbooks kept by 3 teams of capstone students during a 6-week summer semester. The students had been assured that logbooks would not be examined until after the grades had been assigned. An analysis of these logbooks suggests that the distribution of work varies widely across teams; depending on the team, between 5% and 80% of the project work was done during team meetings and development sessions; project effort varied by a factor of 2.5 from least to most time-consuming project; and projects in a shorter semester may get shortchanged, timewise. Also, in all cases, the distribution of workload across the semester was relatively constant.
Charles P. Howerton.
“Cactus Systems”: a computer science practicum that is more than a capstone
Sharon M. Tuttle.
A capstone course for a computer information systems major
Steve Mosiman,et al.
Interdisciplinary capstone group project: designing autonomous race vehicles
Julie Dyke,et al.
Getting "dissed": technical communicators in interdisciplinary engineering teams
18th Annual Conference on Computer Documentation. ipcc sigdoc 2000. Technology and Teamwork. Proceedings. IEEE Professional Communication Society International Professional Communication Conference an.
C. Barry Jay,et al.
Teaching a capstone subject in computing science- a variety engineering approach
Proceedings 23rd Australasian Computer Science Conference. ACSC 2000 (Cat. No.PR00518).
Eugene K. Ressler,et al.
The undergraduate capstone software design experience
TRI-Ada '97.
Matthew C. Davis.
A student's perspective of a capstone course