Vapor-phase photochemistry of methyl- and cyanopyridines: deuterium labeling studies.

The three isomeric methylpyridines and the three isomeric cyanopyridines each constitute a photochemical triad. Irradition of each methylpyridine or each cyanopyridine in the vapor phase at 254 nm results in the formation of the other two isomers as primary photoproducts. Dideuteration of the 2-substituted or 3-substituted methyl or cyanopyridines expanded each triad to a pentad. Due to symmetry, 2,6-dideuteration of 4-methyl-or 4-cyanopyridine did not expand the triad. Trideuteration of 4-methylpyridine removed this symmetry and resulted in a photochemical pentad. These results are consistent with a mechanism involving 2,6-photocylization, migration of nitrogen around the five sides of the cyclopentenyl ring, and rearomatization. This mechanism exactly predicts the observed distribution of deuterium in the photoproducts.