This research aims to describe: (1) background implemented quality management system ISO 9001: 2000 in SMK, (2) the process of implementing a quality management system implementation in vocational school, (3) SMK’s efforts to maintain the certificate, (4) the impact of the arise after the implementation of quality management system of institutions (5) conditions after the implementation of quality culture. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative approach with multi-case study design. Katus used in this study is SMKN 2 Surakarta, SMK Pangudi Luhur Leonardo Klaten, and SMK Muhammadiyah I Sukoharjo. Conclusions of this study is the background of the third implementation of ISO 9001:2000 SMK studied had variation, several reasons have similarities and differences. These reasons is a form of desire or top management ideals. Equation of the implementation process has the steps of the same subject. The main difference in the different policy on sertificator institution (third party). SMK implementation process is an attempt to implement a plan that has been the focus of the discipline established with the help of institutions by implementing PDCA sertificator (Plant Do Chek Act). This is the third that SMK implement the ISO quality management system can implement sustainable development (continuous improvement). The third effort in maintaining a studied SMK ISO 9001:2000 certification that has been gained has much in common. Basically an attempt to maintain the ISO certificate in vocational school is to always try to keep his “promise” SMK in ISO quality documents, carry out continuous improvement and implementation of surveillance activities of the institution periodically sertificator ISO. Impacts arising from the implementation of ISO 9001:2000 to the three SMK has positive and negative impacts. While developing a quality culture in all three studied SMK is still in a state of being.