공공건물의 ECMs별 M&V방안에 대한 타당성 비교

In this study, MBCx(Monitoring-Based Commissioning) system to evaluate the energy performance at the initial stage for public building renovation has been developed. Its system includes the evaluation methods to calculate the energy saving effect about renovation method specifically. This system have the classified 44 kinds of renovation technology such as HVAC, lighting, renewable and so on.. Two methods of period based evaluation method (EE-BP) and yearly based evaluation method (EE-YP)for several renovation technologies have been established in this study. And Yearly and monthly energy consumption by two methods( EE-BP, EE-YP) and Energy ?PLUS simulation program have been compared and evaluated at the model building constructed in korea. As a result, input data for evaluation methods (EE-YP, EE-BP) has shown very important for accuracy of expected renovation technology evaluation and error rate of energy consumption has been increased by bigger error rate of input data. And this kind of error rate has shown a little different result according to a kind of equipment.