The user embracement constitutes a strategy of how to operate the process of work in health that brings a new meaning in relation professional-user, which is deemed in whole of its subjectivity. The objective of this study is to analysis the strategy of user embracement developed in a center of family´s health under the perspective of user. This is an analytic and exploratory research of qualitative approach, done at Center of Health Benedito Artur de Carvalho, sited in Regional Executive Secretary II, in municipal of Fortaleza/Ceara. The study occurred in the period of june to august 2007, having as subjects twenty users of this Center. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, applied after the user was attended at unity. After the manual processing of data, it used the method content analysis, of Bardin. Some categories were created based upon thematic unities: user embracement- something unknown? Care, attention and caress- synonyms of user embracement; user embracement- space of hearing; user embracement- creating changes in service; user embracement- a path to tread. The strategy of user embracement to several users is something new and unknown, originating conflicts, so brings changes in dynamics of work process; and the adaptation must be expected at measure that the service is organized. Others found in this strategy a space to hearing, of welcome, attention and directness of its several problems, observing changes occurred in service after noticed by users as betterment after its implementation. It was notorious the changes occurred in service after implementation of user embracement as new strategy inside the process of work in health. New challenge is to find new forms of adequate this proposal to needs of population assisted. We expect with this analysis to bring reflections in this new form to shelter and thus to contribute with efficiency of service done in this Center of Health.