Physical Characteristics of Shortenings Based on Modified Palm Oil, Milkfat and Low Melting Milkfat Fraction

Slip melting points of shortenings based on modified palm oils, milkfat and low melting milkfat fraction ranged from 33.8 to 43.7°C using 16 hr tempering and 36.5 to 46.1°C using 1 hr tempering. Addition of AMF to PO, HPO or IEPO lowered their melting points. Shortenings PO:AMF, HPO and HPO:AMF were in the β' form while POs:SfMF shortenings were in the β form. Improvement in solid fat content profile of palm oil shortening was achieved by interesterification process and by blending with AMF. Shortenings based on palm stearin with soft/low melting milkfat fraction also had very good solid fat content profiles. Shortenings based on PO, HPO:AMF 60:40 and POs:SfMF 40:60 showed good consistency throughout the study with yield values ranging from 250 to 710 g/cm 2 .