Exploring teachers' experiences on integration of higher order thinking skills (hots) in teaching of science
In today's era of rapid information, thinking skills is seen as a very important
component skills to face global competition in the world. In recent years, the
application and construction of higher order thinking skills are very highly valued
in teaching and learning. To develop higher order thinking skills, the Malaysian
Ministry of Education has put in a lot of effort to help schools impart thinking
skills to students, and to enable them to be lifelong learners. The purpose of this
study is to explore teachers’ experiences on integration of higher order thinking
skills (HOTs) in teaching of science. In addition, this study also aims to
investigate the problems and solution on integration of higher order thinking skills
in teaching of science in school classroom. The open-ended survey questionnaires
and semi-structured interview was conducted to obtain the data from the science
teachers that teaching science subject for primary and secondary school level via
online medium by means facebook, email and educational portal in Malaysia and
face to face meeting with science teachers for the selected school in Padawan
Division, Sarawak. In order to explore teachers experiences on integration of
HOTs this study will investigate teachers’ perception of HOTs, teachers’
perception of the role they have to play when implementing HOTs in their lesson,
teachers’ experience of students’ ability to think on higher level in learning of
science, problems and solutions on integration of HOTs in teaching of science.
The result of the study, found that teachers perceive they are teaching HOTs to
their students but the instructional strategies in teaching have to be improve to
make sure the integration is effectively delivered. The findings suggest that
science teachers need professional development purposely teaches for promoting
HOTs, the profesional development process should changing teachers’ belief and
practices in this field. The programs must structured in such a way that teachers
will have better understanding of what HOTs is and would able to conceptualize
HOTs in a more coherent way.