Make cool gadgets for your room and make amazing toy and game gadgets [Book Review]

Garwin helped design the hydrogen bomb and is now a fellow emeritus at IBM. Charpak, a French physicist, won a Nobel prize in 1992 “for his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber.” Published just last month, their book assesses the benefits and perils of living in the nuclear age from the viewpoint of two men who helped shape it. GZ EAB, Elizabeth A. Bretz; SMC, Steven Cherry; SAC, Stephen Cass; LG, Linda Geppert; HG, Harry Goldstein; JK, Jean Kumagai; AR, Alfred Rosenblatt; GZ, Glenn Zorpette YOUNGER READERS Make Cool Gadgets for Your Room and Make Amazing Toy and Game Gadgets Amy Pinchuk Greey de Pencier Books, Toronto $12.95 each