Study of Co 57 with the Fe 56 ( He 3 , d ) and Fe 56 ( He 3 , d γ ) Reactions

About 65 levels in $^{57}\mathrm{Co}$ were populated by the $^{56}\mathrm{Fe}(^{3}\mathrm{He},d)$ reaction. The angular distributions of deuterons leading to many of these states were obtained with a split-pole magnetic spectrograph. In many cases, comparison of these angular distributions with distorted-wave Born-approximation calculations permitted both the determination of the angular momentum of the transferred proton and the transition strength. These results are compared with previous work. Coincidences between deuterons and $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays from the $^{56}\mathrm{Fe}(^{3}\mathrm{He},d\ensuremath{\gamma})$ reaction were also studied to obtain the $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ decay of some levels in $^{57}\mathrm{Co}$. The possibility of pairs of closely spaced levels, which has been suggested as an explanation for the discrepancies in some spin and parity assignments, is also investigated. Theoretical calculations are briefly compared with some of the existing experimental results on excited states in $^{57}\mathrm{Co}$. Finally, the question of which states in $^{57}\mathrm{Co}$ are analogs of low-lying states in $^{57}\mathrm{Fe}$ is discussed.