Abstmct, Local feedback loops (LFL) of RF field amplitude and phase in accelerating section (AS) ensure safe and stable operation of the linac and quality of the beam, necessary for experiments. Modes of the LFL operation are controlled by front end computer of the computer control system (CCS). Digital feedback loop of AS temperature is closed through the CCS. In order to minimise ineffective operation of the RTM, a feedback system design cycle has been developed. Due to this procedure, we have find optimal parameters of the regulators as a result of a computer simulation of the feedback systems. An accuracy of the simulation permits a relative stability and a dumping ratio of real systems in the operating mode of the RTM as soon as LFL are placed. It is possible to change elements of the systems quickly in spite of system’s transmittance parameters can differ strongly. The results of the testing of the linac operating conditions with open and closed LFL are represented. The main internal and external sources of disturbances were analysed. Respects for future improvement of the system on the basis of digital signal processors are discussed.