Energy-Aware Scheduling of Workflow Using a Heuristic Method on Green Cloud

Energy consumption has been one of the main concerns to support the rapid growth of cloud data centers, as it not only increases the cost of electricity to service providers but also plays an important role in increasing greenhouse gas emissions and thus environmental pollution, and has a negative impact on system reliability and availability. As a result, energy consumption and efficiency metrics have become a vital issue for parallel scheduling applications based on tasks performed at cloud data centers. In this paper, we present a time and energy-aware two-phase scheduling algorithm called best heuristic scheduling (BHS) for directed acyclic graph (DAG) scheduling on cloud data center processors. In the first phase, the algorithm allocates resources to tasks by sorting, based on four heuristic methods and a grasshopper algorithm. It then selects the most appropriate method to perform each task, based on the importance factor determined by the end-user or service provider to achieve a solution designed at the right time. In the second phase, BHS minimizes the makespan and energy consumption according to the importance factor determined by the end-user or service provider and taking into account the start time, setup time, end time, and energy profile of virtual machines. Finally, a test dataset is developed to evaluate the proposed BHS algorithm compared to the multiheuristic resource allocation algorithm (MHRA). The results show that the proposed algorithm facilitates 19.71% more energy storage than the MHRA algorithm. Furthermore, the makespan is reduced by 56.12% in heterogeneous environments.