The origin, course and distribution of arteries to the thumb, with special reference to the so-called A. princeps pollicis.

The arteries of the thumb have been studied by numerous authors in their various aspects. However, their true disposition, especially their course in relation to the muscles, has not yet been fully demonstrated. Neither the classical works of T a n d 1 e r (1897) and A d a chi (1928), nor the comprehensive study of Coleman and Anson (1961) seems to give us sufficient informations. This is partly due to the considerable variability of the arteries ; namely in their origin, course and branching. Furthermore, varying nomenclatures (e. g. Baum 1907) have caused conspicuous confusions and made our understanding rather difficult. The present study, planned to elucidate these conditions, is hoped to contribute to a better understanding of the arteries of the thumb. The materials consisted of 90 hands* of the Japanese adult cadavers, most of which were injected with lead oxide suspension.