Non-Linear Dynamical Response of Steel Portal Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections

Traditionally, the steel portal frame design assumes that beam-to-column joints are rigid or pinned. Rigid joints, where no relative rotations occur between the connected members, transfer not only substantial bending moments, but also shear and axial forces. Alternatively, pinned joints are characterised by an almost free rotation movement between the connected elements preventing the bending moment transmission. Despite these facts, it is largely recognised that the great majority of joints does not exhibit such idealised behaviour. These joints, called semi-rigid, should be designed according to their actual structural behaviour. Considering all these facts one of the main objectives of this investigation is to propose a modelling strategy to represent the dynamical behaviour of semirigid joints under dynamic actions. The developed finite element model included geometric nonlinearities and considered the influence of non-linear and hysteretic joint stiffness. The updated Lagrangean formulation is used to model the geometric non-linearity. The mathematical model calibration was made based on comparisons to semi-rigid tests and other numerical models [1],[2] and proving to be in accordance to them. However, it must be emphasized that cautions should be taken on the direct use of the results in structural design. The main reasons for this affirmative are related to the occurrence of very important distortions due to the consideration of the semi-rigid joints geometric non-linearity effects on the steel portal frames dynamical response.