하이브리드 지열히트펌프의 동특성에 관한 실험적 연구

The objective of this paper is to compare the dynamic characteristics of a hybrid ground source heat pump (HGSHP) with a ground source heat pump (GSHP) under the ground thermal degradation condition (heat build-up) during long term operation. In order to simulate the ground heat build-up, a water bath with two tube type heat exchangers (one for a ground heat exchanger (GHEX) and the other for heat sink/source) was designed. The HGSHP system with the water bath was tested to identify the effect of the hybrid system by using a supplemental heat rejecter for decreasing the ground temperature over the GSHP system. The HGSHP showed higher system COP than the conventional GSHP system, and improved the ground thermal environment. From the test results, the HGSHP system allowed to improve performance over the GSHP system by using the supplemental equipment.