Promoting harmonization of BME education in Europe: The CRH-BME Tempus project

Biomedical Engineers should be prepared to adapt to existing or forecasted needs. There is a strong pressure on education, training and life long learning programs to continuously adapt their objectives in order to face new requirements and challenges. The main objective of the TEMPUS IV, CRH-BME project is to update existing curricula in the field of Biomedical Engineering (BME) in order to meet recent and future developments in the area, address new emerging inter-disciplinary domains that appear as a result of the R&D progress and respond to the BME job market demands. The first step is to extensively review the curricula in the BME education field. In this paper, a proposal for a generic curriculum in the BME education is presented, in order to meet recent and future developments and respond to the demands of the BME job market. Adoption of the core program structure will facilitate harmonization of studies as well as student and staff exchange across Europe, thus promoting the European Higher Education Area.