[전기·전자] 충전시스템 최적화를 위한 자동차 충·방전 시뮬레이터의 개발

The electric power system of a modem vehicle has to supply enough electrical energy for numerous electrical and electronic systems. The electric power system of a vehicle consists of two major components: a generator and a banery. In order to avoid the over or under design problem of the electric power systems, an easy-use and inexpensive simulation program IS needed. For this purpose. a vehicle electric power simulator(VEPS) is developed in this study. Empirical electrical models of various generators and batteries, and the structure of the simulation program are presented. For executing the VEPS program, data of engine speed profile and electric loads of a vehicle are required, and these data are acquired from a vehicle during real driving conditions. Numerous driving data of a vehicle are logged and analyzed to improve the accuracy of the simulator. The simulator can be utilized to detemline the optimized capacities of the generator and the battery appropriately