Laboratory evaluation of the Pall LG6 leukocyte depleting arterial line filter

The Pall LG6 arterial line filter has been designed to remove free circulating leukocytes from the arterial line of the extracorporeal circuit employed in openheart surgery. The filter was evaluated and compared to a control filter (Pall Stat-Prime) in terms of its general blood handling characteristics, particularly with regard to the associated level of leukocyte removal. The gross air handling characteristics of the filters were also assessed together with pressure drop. It was found that the filters differed little in terms of all factors studied other than the level of leukocyte depletion. The LG6 filter was associated with substantial levels of leukocyte depletion, particularly the depletion of neutrophils. Over the 90 minute perfusion period the LG6 filter was found to be associated with a neutrophil depletion rate of around 70% while preferentially sparing lymphocytes. This compared to a 10-20% depletion rate in the control filter. This was achieved without apparently compromising the performance of the filter in terms of the other factors studied.