Nuclear Education and Training at Harbin Engineering University, China

Nuclear power is developing quickly in China. Peaceful and safe use of nuclear energy requires not only advanced technology, but also an extensive and intensive safety culture. Large number of personnel with nuclear safety technology and nuclear safety vision is in demand. Universities play an important role in providing nuclear engineering professionals. This presentation will introduce the nuclear engineering education in China, and specifically at Harbin Engineering University (HEU). HEU is a national key university with a long history and rich heritage. The nuclear academic program at HEU was founded in 1958; with the support of Chinese government and IAEA, the College of Nuclear Science and Technology (CNST) has become the largest nuclear education and training base in China. CNST annually trains and outputs about 400 students with different degrees. This presentation will cover: nuclear education and training at HEU, including application of simulators and virtual reality tools; teaching labs; the nuclear power simulation center; the virtual reality lab; student academic activities; international cooperation; student exchange.