Neuroimaging of Epilepsy: Lesions, Networks, Oscillations

While analysis and interpretation of structural epileptogenic lesion is an essential task for the neuroradiologist in clinical practice, a substantial body of epilepsy research has shown that focal lesions influence brain areas beyond the epileptogenic lesion, across ensembles of functionally and anatomically connected brain areas. In this review article, we aim to provide an overview about altered network compositions in epilepsy, as measured with current advanced neuroimaging techniques to characterize the initiation and spread of epileptic activity in the brain with multimodal noninvasive imaging techniques. We focus on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and simultaneous electroencephalography/fMRI, and oppose the findings in idiopathic generalized versus focal epilepsies. These data indicate that circumscribed epileptogenic lesions can have extended effects on many brain systems. Although epileptic seizures may involve various brain areas, seizure activity does not spread diffusely throughout the brain but propagates along specific anatomic pathways that characterize the underlying epilepsy syndrome. Such a functionally oriented approach may help to better understand a range of clinical phenomena such as the type of cognitive impairment, the development of pharmacoresistance, the propagation pathways of seizures, or the success of epilepsy surgery.

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