Three-dimensional crack growth: Numerical evaluations and experimental tests

Abstract Experimental observations of three- and two-dimensional fatigue crack growth are compared to numerical predictions from the computer code BEASY. The two dimensional propagation occur in a Multiple Site Damage (MSD) scenario created on a pre-notched specimen, undergoing a traction fatigue load as defined by a general load spectrum. Experimental analyses on a fatigue machine were carried out in order to validate the numerical simulation and to provide the necessary material fatigue data for the aluminium plates. The numerical code adopted (BEASY) is based on Dual Boundary Element Method (DBEM). General modelling capabilities are allowed by this approach, with the allowance for general crack front shape and a fully automatic propagation process. By means of a non-linear regression analysis, applied on in house obtained experimental data, the material parameters for the NASGRO 2.0 crack propagation law were defined, capable to effectively keep into account the threshold effect and the unstable final propagation (the crack closure option was switched off). A satisfactory agreement between numerical and experimental crack growth rates was obtained, even starting from a complex MSD scenario, created by the presence of three holes in the plate. Moreover the load introduction to the specimen was monitored by strain gauge equipment. The numerical simulation include also the through the thickness propagation, corresponding to 3D part-through cracks; in this case some specimen were pre-notched by a corner crack on one of the holes and the 3D experimental crack propagation monitored.