Effectiveness of weed control methods on pavement

De Nederlandse overheid wil het gebruik van herbiciden terugbrengen, ook op de stoepen. Niet chemische methoden zijn minder effectief dan pleksgewijs spuiten. Bovendien zijn de kosten voor niet-chemische bestrijding 4 tot 5 maal hoger. Het doel van het onderzoek was de effectiviteit van bestaande en experimentele niet-chemische bestrijdingsmethoden in relatie tot pleksgewijs spuiten vast te stellenThe policy in the Netherlands is to signifiantly reduce the use of herbicides, also on pavements. Existing non-chemical methods to control weeds are much less effective than spot spraying, the usual method at this moment. Therefore, the cost of non-chemical weed management is often estimated to be 4 to 5 times the cost of chemical weed control. However, independently measured data on the effectiveness of spot spraying, of current non-chemical methods and of potentially improved non-chemical methods were not available. This was particularly the case for a situation under continuous non-chemical weed control. The objective of the research described here was to determine the effectiveness of existing and experimental non-chemical methods, and of spot spraying