Franchise management in East Asia

Executive Overview Franchising is the fastest growing method of doing business today. It is becoming a major catalyst for economic growth, employment, and development not only in the United States but also in the international marketplace. Franchising has moved from traditional product (trademark) areas such as automobiles, petroleum, and soft-drink bottlers to the standard industries of fast food, cosmetics, cleaning, convenience stores, computers, and financial services. In almost any area of business, franchising is a reality. We believe that it will surpass every method of doing business by the end of this century. The move toward international franchising is increasing as the U.S. domestic market becomes saturated and opportunities in foreign markets become apparent. We found that the economic growth of the Asian Pacific Rim in the last decade is presenting tremendous opportunities for U.S. franchisors. Several strategies for franchising in East Asia are presented in this article. Major consideration...