Multi-Layered Potts Model Simulation of the Formation of Graded Structure in lron-Copper Liquid-Phase-Sintered Alloy

When the carbon content in the Fe phase of liquid-phase-sintered Fe-Cu alloy is graded by using solid carburization method, the microstructure of the sample has a characteristic orientated Fe and Cu phases. This microstructural orientation towards the direction of carburization and the distributed area of the oriented Fe phase depends on the diffusion distance and the carbon content. In this paper, we executed three simulation programs by using Multi-Layered Potts Model and Monte Carlo method. From the simulation result, the orientated Cu phase was observed among coalescent Fe-C particles, and also sharp dihedral angles of Fe-C particles were observed. So, these combined simulations could succeed to reproduce the microstructure characteristics of orientated Cu phase of liquid-phase-sintered Fe-Cu alloy.