An Integrated Approach: Combining Process Management, Organizational Structure and Company Layout

When production engineers consider productivity and efficiency, much attention has been paid to optimizing production processes. Numerous approaches and software tools have been developed in order to enhance the optimization of production processes like Proplan, ARIS-Toolset or aixperanto. The corresponding intention of these approaches is to present, analyze and optimize business processes with a great focus on the involvement of the people imbedded in the processes. Hardly any of these approaches integrate the organizational structure of a company like different departments or diverging hierarchical levels. Neither of these approaches include the company layout for example the local office layout. The innovative goal of this paper is to develop a new interdisciplinary model calculating the productivity of a process by using the two factors identification and communication which are highly influenced by the organizational structure and the company layout. The idea of the model is to address the weak points on the interfaces in a process by considering the influence of the mentioned factors and to show the possible increase of productivity. The model will be validated by a case study conducted by the WZL.

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